New High School Coming Soon! – Del Sol High School

November 10, 2021
On Wednesday, Nov 3, 2021, The Oxnard Union High School District held one of its few meetings about the future planning of Del Sol High School. There was voting on the school colors and mascot. Some of the color options to pick from were orange & green, and orange & black. Then some options for the mascot were hawks, jaguar, and rattlers. Where the meeting was held tables were set up with information about CTE pathways & academics. Inputs on clubs, and what foods to serve are also wanted. There will hopefully be more meetings soon for more input to be received. There are plans to hold other meetings to discuss boundaries. This will change the current boundaries that are set right now for which area goes to what school. The current 7th graders will be the first 9th graders to attend Del Sol High School. Attending one of the meetings is really encouraged so you can be a part of the planning of the new High School. More information will be on the district Instagram @oxnardunion please come and help with the decision-making process.